The firm represented a corporate entity to defend the landowner from the repudiation of a sublease agreement over land held under Native Title.
- Habib Abdul Rahman Bin Habib Mahmud v Growth Enterprise Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 3526
Grace acted as the Appellant’s counsel before the Court of Appeal. The appeal concerned the questions of indefeasibility of title and interests under the Sabah Land Ordinance (Cap 68) (“SLO”). The case examined forgery, whether forged documents could effect a transfer of a parcel of land, and whether protection could be given to a bona fide purchaser for value if said purchaser dealt with the actual proprietor on the register, not the forger. Grace obtained leave to appeal to the Federal Court (Apex Court) against the adverse outcome of the appeal.
- Sia Hiong Tee & Ors v Chong Su Kong & Ors [2012] 1 LNS 1292 / [2013] 6 MLJ 438
In this landmark case, Grace continued to act as the Appellant’s counsel before the Federal Court. The Federal Court answered the novel question of whether bona fide purchasers for value without notice can obtain immediate indefeasible title upon registration of transfer of land in their names under section 88 of the SLO, and whether the principles under section 340 of the National Land Code, could be applied to section 88 for interpretative purposes.
- Sia Hiong Tee & Ors v Chong Su Kong & Ors [2015] 4 MLJ 188 / [2015] 8 CLJ 1173 refd(14)